Tag: blue light

What is blue light? One might ask. Where does it come from? How is it produced? Does it have any impact on our eyes? If so, what effects does blue light on our eyes cause? How can we protect ourselves from damage without necessarily using blue-blocker sunglasses? These are basic questions that we would ask anyone interested in knowing what blue light is and whether it is dangerous and may cause damage to the eyes.

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The sun is created from one spectrum to another. Contrary to people’s belief, the sun’s rays are of multiple colors, such as red, yellow, orange, green, blue, and purple hues. One spectrum is full of blue and purple hues, while the blue and purple hues are located on the other end of the spectrum. The hot colored dyes such as red and orange usually generate less energy, whiles the blue light generates higher and more strong energy.

How does blue light impact our eyes?

Given that blue light emanates a greater amount of energy, it also significantly impacts an individual’s eyes. Most people’s daily exposure to blue light typically derives from the sun. Some believe that they can avoid blue light by remaining indoors. Again, this is a myth as blue light is replicated within computer monitors, LED and fluorescent tv screens, smartphones, and tablets. When you are indoors but on your electronic devices, you are also bound to experience blue light. With excess exposure, blue light can have a damaging effect on a person’s eyes. Our eyes must be exposed to the light with strict moderation to avoid harm. Too much of everything is not good for you! That saying is applicable in this situation as too much exposure may eventually damage our eyes.

How to stay safe

It is tough to avoid blue light, especially the blue light derived from our addictive cellular devices, computer screens, and more. There are many ways to go around it to continue using the electronic devices that you so love and maintain eye safety. One of them is a computer screen filter that one can use to shield the impact of light on the eyes. Another method could be by decreasing the backlight within the computer settings. One must also take breaks from time to time to rest the eyes, brain, and body. When outdoors, blue-blocker sunglasses would work towards greater protection for the eyes.

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